Pharmaceutical Chemicals

Mexichem Fluor is the world's largest supplier of hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) medical propellants with over 75% of today's HFA propelled MDIs (Metered Dose Inhalers) filled with our medical propellants such as its world famous ZEPHEX®134a. We also offer the companion medical propellant ZEPHEX®227ea.
All ZEPHEX® products are manufactured, tested and released fully in accordance with current Good Ma...

Pharmaceutical nitroglycerin
Although the basic nitroglycerin molecule is the same in every formulation, how NG is mixed and administered has changed over the years. For the formulator of pharmaceuticals and the purchaser of active pharmaceutical ingredients, we offer a consistent and convenient supply of standard and custom blends of diluted nitroglycerin suitable for various dosage forms from tablets, ointments and cream...